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If you're into drawing, graphic design, writing, cooking, or anything creative, you were in our heartbeat when we made this site.


And as a creative type, have you ever thought like this?

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We get it. We've had those thoughts many times.

And a lot of times, we settle for jobs or careers that don't make use of our creative gifts (not that we should shame ourselves, because we all have to make a living). But how does that leave us feeling?


It leaves us feeling trapped, boxed in, and unfulfilled.  


Most positions in corporations almost always discourage creativity and ingenuity, and guess what? They're not gonna change. Not anytime soon, and not for us.


So let's be real. We don't do well with jobs that are super-structured and uniform. We feel caged in when our creativity is held back and ignored. We thrive when our talents are valued and rewarded.


And if we don't do what we were meant to do, we'll always feel caged in. 

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Those feelings will never go away—not until we do something about it. We need to create—just as much as the world needs our creativity. We have a naturally wild genius that lets us imagine and design and create solutions. It's our shared purpose. Our light bulb. Our lightning.


According to an article by Forbes, there are 8 skills that are going to be valuable to the world after this pandemic. Creativity, tech savviness, and digital marketing are all high up on that list! Do you know what that means?


The world needs your gift now more than ever. Now's your time to show up. 


If your creativity is not being valued or you crave creative freedom, we're here to help you. We'll give you free resources and courses. We'll teach you how to design, create a website, write, create videos, start a biz, and market. Whether you're just looking to expand your abilities, or want to transform your passion into a budding brand—you're at a good place!


To get free resources that'll help get you started today, sign up to our email list.



Hi! My name is Bobby Davis. Growing up, I got low-to-average grades in pretty much everything except art classes. 


A little after I turned 25, I began thinking about starting a graphic design business. I'd been a true pen-and-ink artist my whole life, so I didn't really know much about graphic design or running a biz. And since I grew up as an unimpressive student, I felt like I wasn't good or smart enough to do it. And to be real, I probably wasn't. 


Then I realized that everyone is good enough to start.


So I started Viveful/JRtistry Studios as just a side passion. All I had was a fossil of a computer, outdated software, and a desire to grow. At the time I couldn't even afford business cards or a cell phone. I actually had to write down my house number on pieces of paper and hand them out. SUPER embarrassing, I know!! I did what I had to do, though.


It took a little time, but I got my business basics together. And after upping my design skills and connecting with the right people, I got a call from someone who needed help with a design campaign. 


With a little faith and some hard-won lessons, my side passion began budding.


Since then, it's grown into a notable publishing/film studio, and now we train others and help them get paid to do what they love doing!



Bobby Davis, our creative director, is a certified SEO strategist, certified platform builder, accredited business strategist, and accredited Facebook creative strategist.


We're a small team, yet we've created for several events that gained sponsorships from Radio Disney, Pepsi, Frito-Lay, Chick-fil-A, Walmart, Academy, and Red Bull. We've also created for celebrities Aaron Ross (2x Super Bowl champion), George Gervin (NBA legend), Jagged Edge, and Trey Songz! Right now we're listed in the "Top 20 Film Studios in San Antonio" by Our first original work is Beyonfire.


We've helped a long list of creatives, ranging from hobbyists to cultural icons.


We're nowhere near uber-famous, but we've made a good name for ourselves, and we'd like to help you do the same. Whether you'd like to sharpen your design skills, digital skills, or biz skills—we can definitely help you.


To get free resources that'll help you get started right now, sign up below.


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